
Draft of the Gibsonton Community Profile now available for community input

GibsontonJuly 2020 – Gibsonton residents and business owners now have access to data that may be used in supporting and justifying desired changes to their community. In late 2019, the Board of County Commissioners requested Planning Commission staff to retain a consultant for completion of the Gibsonton Community Profile (the Profile). The Profile effectively updates and enlarges the data portion of the Gibsonton Community Plan adopted in 2007. The Profile is intended to provide an updated report of trends that affect development and redevelopment through year 2030, while focusing on four subareas: Gibsonton Drive, US 41, the Alafia River, and the Show Business Overlay District.

In early 2020, a community meeting was held at the Gardenville Recreation Center which introduced the 60+ attendees to the project consultant and Planning Commission project team. During this meeting, a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis was conducted and provided useful qualitative community data for integration into the Profile. The demographic, real estate, and commercial analysis is now completed and integrated with community input to form the draft Profile. The Gibsonton Community Profile is now ready for another round of public input.

The community is invited to participate in a virtual meeting on Wednesday, July 29 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at which an overview of the draft Profile will be presented followed by a Q&A with the project consultant and Planning Commission staff.

Please visit the project page to view the draft Profile and to register for the Gibsonton Virtual Work Session on July 29.

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