Category: Planning Commission Ongoing

  • Valrico Community Plan

    Valrico Community Plan

    Project Overview Previous Next On March 1, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners requested staff to initiate the process to create the Valrico Community Plan.  A Community Plan is intended to be an extension and refinement of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.  The Comprehensive Plan is general in nature and provides guidance on issues county-wide. A Community […]

  • Unincorporated Hillsborough County Future Land Use Update

    Unincorporated Hillsborough County Future Land Use Update

    Overview of the Update Unincorporated Hillsborough County is experiencing new growth in both population and employment. The County expects to add approximately 350,000 more people and 107,000 more jobs by 2045*. While the success of the County brings many benefits to our communities, its growth pressure also creates a series of challenges for current and future […]

  • Greater Palm River Area Community Plan Update

    Greater Palm River Area Community Plan Update

    Atención: Para traducir esta página al español, seleccione el idioma arriba en el menú “Select Language”. Si necesita servicios de traducción adicionales, por favor llame al 813-272-5940 y marque el 1. Project Overview Previous Next Completed and adopted in 2008, the Greater Palm River Area Community Plan is intended to be an extension and refinement of […]

  • Fowler Avenue Vision Study

    Fowler Avenue Vision Study

    Atención: Para traducir esta página al español, seleccione el idioma arriba en el menú “Select Language”. Si necesita servicios de traducción adicionales, por favor llame al 813-272-5940 y marque el 1. Project Overview Previous Next The Fowler Avenue Vision Study will evaluate the land use, transportation, and community characteristics required to create a Comprehensive Vision […]

  • City of Tampa Future Land Use Assessment

    City of Tampa Future Land Use Assessment

    Project Overview The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the Future Land Use (FLU) categories in the Tampa Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) and associated policy provisions that provide a bonus, incentive, or targeted outcomes above the FLU category in the Plan. The study shall examine the effectiveness of the associated policy […]

  • Live Grow Thrive 2045: Tampa Comprehensive Plan Update

    Live Grow Thrive 2045: Tampa Comprehensive Plan Update Video produced by the City of Tampa About By 2045, Tampa will see over 108,000 more residents, 77,000 new homes, and 258,000 new jobs within the City limits. Together, we can turn the challenges that come with growth into opportunities for a thriving future. It’s time to update the City of Tampa’s Comprehensive Plan […]

  • Tampa Mixed-Use Study

    Tampa Mixed-Use Study

    Planning Commission staff at the request of and in cooperation with City of Tampa staff completed a comparison study of “Mixed-Use Land Use Categories” within Comprehensive Plans for selected jurisdictions within Florida and elsewhere in the United States. The study includes a series of information sheets (some are attached, others are linked within the report) […]

  • Commercial-Locational Criteria Study

    Commercial-Locational Criteria Study

    Project Overview The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the current Commercial-Locational Criteria and analyze best practices resulting in updated policy for the Unincorporated Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element. This study will update the frameworks for allowing non-residential development in residential land use categories and balance the changing demands […]

  • Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan & Update

    Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan & Update

    Creating Great Places Stay connected Sign up to receive email updates on all Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan Updates.  View the Comprehensive Plan Built Environment Future Land Use Property Rights Mobility Housing Natural Open Space Recreation and Open Space Coastal Management Environmental & Sustainability One Water  Potable Water  Wastewater Stormwater Management Water Resource Protection Governance Capital […]

  • Plant City – Mixed Use Gateway Land Development Regulations

    Plant City – Mixed Use Gateway Land Development Regulations

    The intent of the Mixed Use Gateway Land Use Plan Category is to support economic development, reinforce a sense of entry, promote transportation efficiency, and provide a specific location where a mixing of working, shopping, office, lodging and residential uses can occur.  The gateway is intended primarily to be more urban in character, with a […]