Category: MPO Reports

  • Selmon Greenway Feasibility Study (2010)

    Selmon Greenway Feasibility Study (2010)

    Traversing the southern and eastern portions of downtown Tampa, the Lee Roy Selmon Expressway provides a critical link between South Tampa, Brandon, and neighborhoods beyond. The Selmon Greenway is a proposed multi-use trail that will closely follow the expressway alignment to provide pedestrian and bicycle access throughout the downtown area. The Greenway will provide opportunities […]

  • Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (Updated Annually)

    Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (Updated Annually)

    The inability to travel often leads to isolation, withdrawal from society and neglect of medical needs. The Hillsborough County Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) addresses the needs of elderly, disabled, and/or economically disadvantaged people in Hillsborough County. Also see The Ride Guide. Current 2023-2026 Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (Annual Update) – DRAFT 2022-2026 Transportation Disadvantaged […]

  • Regional Transit Action Plan (2005)

    Regional Transit Action Plan (2005)

    The purpose of this Action Plan is to recommend specific steps that advance the regional transit recommendations of the West Central Florida (WCF) 2025 Long Range  Transportation Plan (LRTP). While the LRTP identifies where regional transit routes and service will be provided, it does not provide guidance on how the region can develop and operate […]

  • Westshore Mobility Strategy (2007)

    Westshore Mobility Strategy (2007)

    Transportation improvements are critical within the Westshore Business District. As growth continues to increase with the introduction of new development to the area, issues related to mobility need to be addressed. As such, the development of a plan will work to foster a viable transportation system to support the anticipated area wide growth. The Westshore Mobility Strategy Action Plan, […]

  • Safety & Security

    Safety & Security

    In preparation of the 2035 Plan Update, in 2009 the MPO hosted a Safety, Security and Emergency Management Workshop. Safety and security are key components of federal transportation legislation. Hillsborough County’s Emergency Management, Public Works, Hazard Mitigation, Sunshine Line and Sheriff’s offices were joined by the Florida Department of Transportation, Port, Aviation and Expressway Authorities […]

  • Westshore Area Circulator Study (2012)

    Westshore Area Circulator Study (2012)

    The Westshore Circulator Study was conducted by the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in partnership with the Westshore Alliance and the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART). The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of transit circulator service (local loop bus service) within the Greater Westshore Area. At the geographic center […]

  • Livable Roadway Guidelines (2006)

    Livable Roadway Guidelines (2006)

    This document is an update and consolidation of two documents: Livable Roadways: Proposals for Roadway Appearance and Function and Guidelines for Landscaping Hillsborough County Roadways. In the late 1980’s the Planning Commission included policies and guidelines for establishing and protecting a system of scenic corridors in the comprehensive plans for Hillsborough County and the City of Tampa. In response to […]

  • Lane Operations Study

    Lane Operations Study

    Faced with the challenges of worsening congestion and limited funding, the MPO’s  Crash Mitigation/Congestion Management Process is focused around three goals: Improving reliability – Congestion cannot be eliminated, but making our roads less unpredictable reduces negative impact on the economy and quality of life. Shifting trips to non-single-occupancy modes – This goal is to improve system-wide efficiency […]

  • Paying for the Plan

    The “cost affordable” 2035 Plan is financially balanced, meaning that the estimated costs of future projects can be covered by  funding that will be available in the future. What Was Assumed in the 2035 Plan? A new funding source – in the form of a penny sales tax  – is a major assumption underlying the […]

  • Walk/Bike Plan for the City of Tampa (2016)

    Walk/Bike Plan for the City of Tampa (2016)

    In 2009, the City updated its Comprehensive Plan to encourage growth within the City’s three core “Business Centers” (Downtown, Westshore, and USF), along major transit corridors, and within designated “Mixed-Use Corridors and Villages.” In order to serve the mobility needs of existing and future residents and businesses, it is necessary to narrow down past transportation […]

  • Tampa Bypass Canal Trail Feasibility Study (2013)

    Tampa Bypass Canal Trail Feasibility Study (2013)

    The proposed concept consists of a multi-use trail running along the west side of the Tampa Bypass Canal. The vision is to connect the Flatwoods Park in New Tampa through Wilderness and Trout Creek Parks and run south to the McKay Bay Trail, the Selmon Greenway and the South County Trail. This 17-mile multi-use trail […]

  • Intelligent Transportation System Master Plan Update (2013)

    Intelligent Transportation System Master Plan Update (2013)

    The Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Master Plan was first published and adopted in 2005. The ITS Master Plan has not been updated to reflect changes in the ITS program, technology, inventory of systems and infrastructure, ITS architecture, and current transportation, mobility and safety challenges and issues along existing and planned […]

  • University Area Transit Study (2013)

    University Area Transit Study (2013)

    Would you like more and better public transit options for getting around the University of South Florida Area? Which destinations need better transit service? Who will use the service? How could it be funded? This study explores these and other questions related to a better system of using transit to circulate around the USF area. […]

  • Westshore Multimodal Center Location Study (2012)

    Westshore Multimodal Center Location Study (2012)

    The study for the Westshore Multimodal Location Study is a collaborative effort of the Hillsborough County, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the Florida Department of Transportation District 7, (FDOT), the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA), the City of Tampa, and the Westshore Alliance. Representatives from each of these organizations serve on a management team that has provided direction […]

  • Hillsborough County Water Ferry Feasibility Study (2011 & 2012)

    Hillsborough County Water Ferry Feasibility Study (2011 & 2012)

    In  keeping  pace  with  community  desires  and  the  ever-expanding transportation needs of the Tampa Bay region and in cooperation with  Hillsborough  County,  the  Hillsborough  Metropolitan  Planning Organization (MPO) studied potential water ferry connections in Tampa Bay. The  objective was  to  evaluate  the  feasibility  of  waterborne passenger service as a viable travel alternative and a part […]