Category: Public Transit Plans & Studies

  • Annual Operating Report

    Annual Operating Report

    The Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) submits an Annual Operating Report of operational statistics to the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) for the previous state fiscal year, every year, by September 15th. These operational statistics include system type, trip information, vehicle information, employee information, revenues, and expenses for both the CTC and any coordinating contractors. […]

  • Coordinating affordable housing and transit

    Coordinating affordable housing and transit

    June 2020 – Affordable Housing and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) are increasingly being discussed as a paired challenge facing planners for good reason. Housing and transportation represent the first and second largest expenditures for a majority of U.S. households (Center for Transit Oriented Development, 2014). According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, […]

  • Plant City Transit Study (2021)

    Plant City Transit Study (2021)

    Project Overview The Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is collaborating with the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) and the City of Plant City to create a Transit Plan for the City of Plant City. This project will focus on the feasibility of re-initiating transit service from Tampa to Plant City through a travel market analysis. […]

  • SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation (2018)

    SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation (2018)

    In 2014, the MPO conducted the SouthShore Transit Circulator Study that developed transit priorities for the SouthShore area. Since then, HART has undergone an overhaul of their transit system known as Mission MAX, which decreased service in the SouthShore area. HART has requested that the MPO reevaluate the previous study and update based on the […]

  • Transportation Level of Service Report

    Transportation Level of Service Report

    In coordination with the Hillsborough County Development Services Department the City of Tampa, and the City of Plant City, the Hillsborough Transportation Planning Organization has developed the 2022 Level of Service Report.  The report includes highway level of service for regulated roads throughout the county as well as level of service for bicycles, pedestrians, and […]

  • USF Campus Autonomous Transit Feasibility Study (2019)

    USF Campus Autonomous Transit Feasibility Study (2019)

    USF Autonomous Transit Feasibility Study Final Report Recognizing the interest in autonomous and connected technology as a mobility tool, the MPO sponsored an exploratory, feasibility study for a transit circulator on the University of South Florida (USF) campus using automated vehicle/connected vehicle technology.  The study was conducted by USF’s Center for Urban Transportation Research. Enormous […]

  • Brandon Corridor & Mixed Use Centers Pilot Project (2017)

    Brandon Corridor & Mixed Use Centers Pilot Project (2017)

    The Brandon Corridors and Mixed-Use Centers Study was a joint pilot project of the Hillsborough MPO and the Planning Commission.

  • HART Maintenance Feasibility Study (2017)

    HART Maintenance Feasibility Study (2017)

    Hillsborough Area Regional Transit service area covers approximately 1,000 square miles in Hillsborough County, FL. The existing Operations and Maintenance facilities are located at 4305 E. 21st Avenue, Tampa, Florida. HART services its entire bus fleet of almost 200 vehicles, which includes various sized transit buses and paratransit vehicles, at this facility. With current overcrowding […]

  • Northwest Hillsborough Transit Study (2018)

    Northwest Hillsborough Transit Study (2018)

    The Northwest Hillsborough Transit study was a joint study by the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART).  The study  evaluated the current and planned transit in the area west of the Veteran’s Expressway, and developed a plan for transit improvements.  The study looked at different types of transit […]

  • Tampa Innovation District Transit Circulator Study (2016)

    Tampa Innovation District Transit Circulator Study (2016)

    The Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in cooperation with Hillsborough County Economic Development Department (HCED), Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) and Tampa Innovation Alliance, is evaluating the potential development of a transit circulator within the Tampa Innovation District (TID). Currently, TID partners including the University of South Florida (USF), Busch Gardens, H. Lee Moffitt […]

  • Transit Quality of Service Evaluation (2001 – 2004)

    Transit Quality of Service Evaluation (2001 – 2004)

    The Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has completed this Transit Quality of Service (TQS) Evaluation as part of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) effort to employ a new transit quality of service framework. This evaluation provides information on the current performance of the transit system in Hillsborough County, as operated by Hillsborough Area […]

  • Express Bus in the Tampa Bay Express Lanes (TBX) (2014)

    Express Bus in the Tampa Bay Express Lanes (TBX) (2014)

    If you’ve ever wished for a helicopter to fly you over traffic snarls to your destination, the idea of a limited-stop express bus running in speed-controlled interstate toll lanes may appeal to you.  The Hillsborough MPO has partnered with FDOT District 7 to study how this big idea could work in the I-275 and I-4 […]

  • Downtown Transit Assets & Opportunities Study (2014)

    Downtown Transit Assets & Opportunities Study (2014)

    Tampa’s urban core, including Downtown and its surrounding neighborhoods, are: The hub of commerce, culture & government for the Tampa Bay region Increasingly, a place where people are choosing to work, live & play The center of our existing transit network Crisscrossed by bus & freight rail lines. Future plans call for the introduction of […]

  • SouthShore Transit Circulator Study (2014)

    SouthShore Transit Circulator Study (2014)

    The SouthShore Circulator Study is a joint effort with the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Hillsborough Area Transit Authority (HART).  The study will look at the demand and feasibility of transit improvements in the South Shore area. The SouthShore area is the fastest growing portion of the county with even more potential […]

  • Bruce B. Downs Boulevard Transit Assessment (2010)

    Bruce B. Downs Boulevard Transit Assessment (2010)

    This study assesses the feasibility of integrating enhanced, high capacity transit service, either Light Rail Transit (LRT) or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), into the proposed Bruce B. Downs Boulevard (C.R. 581) six or eight-lane alignment and typical section. The focus is on an assessment of either LRT or BRT in an exclusive transitway. Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Final […]