Category: Freight

  • CSX Intermodal Yard Study (2012)

    CSX Intermodal Yard Study (2012)

    The Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in cooperation with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Seven, tasked URS Corporation (URS) to conduct a Freight  Sub-Area Study focusing on the access needs of the CSX Intermodal  CSXI) Terminal in East Tampa, as well as the general truck circulation within the area including the FDOT Strategic […]

  • MPO studies connections to CSX Intermodal Yard

    MPO studies connections to CSX Intermodal Yard

    The Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in cooperation with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Seven, conducted a Freight Sub-Area Study focusing on the CSX Intermodal (CSXI) Terminal in East Tampa and general truck circulation within the area between Columbus Dr, Orient Rd, 50th St (US 41) and the terminal. The roadway connections within this […]

  • Freight & Goods Movement

    In cooperation with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the MPO’s in the region participate in the Tampa Bay Regional Goods Movement Study.  The purpose of the study is to identify major freight transfer centers and the roadway facilities that serve them.  The information in the study will help the MPO’s identify major freight corridors […]