Category: Comprehensive Plan

  • Tampa Comprehensive Plan Adopted Future Land Use Map

    Tampa Comprehensive Plan Adopted Future Land Use Map

    Tampa Comprehensive Plan Adopted Future Land Use Map

  • University Area Community Plan

    University Community Plan Creation of the adopted University Area Community Plan first adopted in 2001 involved area residents, businesses, civic organizations, and government and law enforcement agencies in identifying goals and strategies for revitalization of the areas surrounding the University of South Florida. The Plan encompasses approximately three square miles and is located in north […]

  • Unincorp Hillsborough County CP : Livable Communities Element

    Unincorp Hillsborough County CP : Livable Communities Element

    This Element contains Community and Special Area Studies.  These Community and Special Area Studies are intended to be extensions and refinements of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.  The studies should discuss the special and unique characteristics of the areas under study and examine the issues and problems facing the areas and provide strategies for solutions. They […]

  • Tampa Comprehensive Plan Definitions

    Tampa Comprehensive Plan Definitions

    The definitions are included to aid users of this comprehensive plan to better understand the use of terms within the comprehensive plan. They shall not be construed or used to counter or replace other descriptions or use of these terms within the text or goals, objectives, and policies of the comprehensive plan or maps, tables, […]

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 9: Plan Administration

    Tampa CP : Chapter 9: Plan Administration

    No land development regulation nor land development code nor amendment shall be adopted by the Tampa City Council until such regulation, code or amendment has been referred to the Local Planning Agency for review and recommendation as to the relationship of such proposal to the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Chapter 9: Plan Administration

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 8: People Shaping, Changing and Growing Our City

    Tampa CP : Chapter 8: People Shaping, Changing and Growing Our City

    This chapter of the plan deals with empowerment; empowering individual and groups of people to become active in addressing the issues that affect them the most, whether at a neighborhood level or a broader community level. Chapter 8: People Shaping, Changing and Growing Our City

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 7: A Vibrant Economy

    Tampa CP : Chapter 7: A Vibrant Economy

    During the extensive public participation process undertaken as part of the Tampa Comprehensive Plan Update, citizens clearly expressed as their vision for the City – a diverse, equitable and vibrant economy – and their desire for goals, objectives and policies that promote prosperity are expressed here. Chapter 7: A Vibrant Economy  

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 6: Sustainable Infrastructure

    Tampa CP : Chapter 6: Sustainable Infrastructure

    This Chapter includes the Mobility, Potable Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Management, Solid Waste and Capital Improvements Elements required by State Law. These elements are consistent with the vision for the comprehensive plan, elements, fostering a more sustainable and livable Tampa for current and future residents. Chapter 6: Sustainable Infrastructure  

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 5: Sustainable Environment

    Tampa CP : Chapter 5: Sustainable Environment

    This Chapter includes the Conservation and Coastal Management Elements required by State Law. These elements are consistent with the vision for the comprehensive plan, fostering a more sustainable and livable Tampa for current and future residents. Chapter 5: Sustainable Environment

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 4: Building Sustainable Neighborhoods

    Tampa CP : Chapter 4: Building Sustainable Neighborhoods

    Tampa is a City of neighborhoods and residents treasure their neighborhoods. Throughout the City, residents are very protective of the quality of life in their neighborhoods, which accounts both for the pride that is everywhere evident. Chapter 4: Building Sustainable Neighborhoods  

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 3: Structuring Growth for Livability: Urban Design and Land Use

    Tampa CP : Chapter 3: Structuring Growth for Livability: Urban Design and Land Use

    The growth management strategy established in this Plan focuses on establishing sustainable and livable environments in areas with diverse needs. This will require sustained efforts to improve the mix of land uses. The sustainability and livability of Tampa’s city form relating to future growth and further redevelopment relies heavily on the natural evolution of all […]

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 2: The Livable City Vision: Strategies that get us ready for Change

    Tampa CP : Chapter 2: The Livable City Vision: Strategies that get us ready for Change

    The seven strategies expressed in this Chapter, work towards shaping the city and future involve steering growth and change to specific parts of the city while strengthening and protecting our residential neighborhoods from development pressures. The Livable City Strategies work together to realize fiscal efficiencies for the City of Tampa and other funding agencies and […]

  • Tampa CP : Chapter 1: Livability and Choice (with Forward and Table of Contents)

    Tampa CP : Chapter 1: Livability and Choice (with Forward and Table of Contents)

    The plan provides a framework for a Livable future and a strategy for directing growth in the City of Tampa over the next 20 years. It recognizes that as a city approaching build-out, Tampa’s future is about rebuilding and urbanizing, about “growing up” because we have limited opportunities to grow out. It is not a […]

  • Temple Terrace CP : Comprehensive Plan Introduction

    Temple Terrace CP : Comprehensive Plan Introduction

    What happens around the world can have direct and lasting impact on us. The outside world affects us; we are not an island. The Plan needs to build the awareness that the City is a player on a much larger playing field. Are we ready to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, or […]

  • Temple Terrace CP : Future Land Use Map

    Temple Terrace CP : Future Land Use Map

    The Future Land Use map and related data are updated on a quarterly basis.  For more information regarding a specific Future Land Use land category please view the Temple Terrace Future Land Use Element. Temple Terrace Future Land Use Map (PDF Format)