Category: Ruskin

  • SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation (2018)

    SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation (2018)

    In 2014, the MPO conducted the SouthShore Transit Circulator Study that developed transit priorities for the SouthShore area. Since then, HART has undergone an overhaul of their transit system known as Mission MAX, which decreased service in the SouthShore area. HART has requested that the MPO reevaluate the previous study and update based on the […]

  • Ruskin Community Plan

    Ruskin Community Plan

    Ruskin lies within the “SouthShore Areawide Systems Plan” area.  The SouthShore Areawide Systems planning initiative called for the preparation of six community plans, one of which was for the Ruskin area.  The Ruskin Community Plan consists of goals and strategies that address the development of a town center, revitalization of the existing commercial corridors, the […]