Category: Balm

  • SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation (2018)

    SouthShore Transit Study Reevaluation (2018)

    In 2014, the MPO conducted the SouthShore Transit Circulator Study that developed transit priorities for the SouthShore area. Since then, HART has undergone an overhaul of their transit system known as Mission MAX, which decreased service in the SouthShore area. HART has requested that the MPO reevaluate the previous study and update based on the […]

  • Balm Meetings February 21 2012

    The following Links are documents relating to the February, 21, 2012 Meeting for Balm Community Plan. Balm Community Plan Goals and Strategies Balm Community Plan Visioning Results Balm Workshop 12 agenda 2-21-12

  • Balm Community Plan Documents

    The Following are Zip files containing Documents regarding Balm Community Plan. To download the documents, please click on the links below. Balm 2012 Balm2011A Balm2011B Balm2011C      

  • Balm Community Plan

    Contact Information Countywide Planner – Countywide Planning Team Email: Phone: 813-272-5940 To view the Balm Community Plan (Effective June 28, 2013) please click the link below and use the Table of Contents. Livable Communities Element View the Sociocultural Data Report (SDR) for Balm. The SDR contains demographic information and trends for Balm from 1990 to […]