Category: Metropolitan Planning Organization

  • Selmon Greenway Feasibility Study (2010)

    Selmon Greenway Feasibility Study (2010)

    Traversing the southern and eastern portions of downtown Tampa, the Lee Roy Selmon Expressway provides a critical link between South Tampa, Brandon, and neighborhoods beyond. The Selmon Greenway is a proposed multi-use trail that will closely follow the expressway alignment to provide pedestrian and bicycle access throughout the downtown area. The Greenway will provide opportunities […]

  • Regional Transit Action Plan (2005)

    Regional Transit Action Plan (2005)

    The purpose of this Action Plan is to recommend specific steps that advance the regional transit recommendations of the West Central Florida (WCF) 2025 Long Range  Transportation Plan (LRTP). While the LRTP identifies where regional transit routes and service will be provided, it does not provide guidance on how the region can develop and operate […]

  • Westshore Mobility Strategy (2007)

    Westshore Mobility Strategy (2007)

    Transportation improvements are critical within the Westshore Business District. As growth continues to increase with the introduction of new development to the area, issues related to mobility need to be addressed. As such, the development of a plan will work to foster a viable transportation system to support the anticipated area wide growth. The Westshore Mobility Strategy Action Plan, […]

  • Safety & Security

    Safety & Security

    In preparation of the 2035 Plan Update, in 2009 the MPO hosted a Safety, Security and Emergency Management Workshop. Safety and security are key components of federal transportation legislation. Hillsborough County’s Emergency Management, Public Works, Hazard Mitigation, Sunshine Line and Sheriff’s offices were joined by the Florida Department of Transportation, Port, Aviation and Expressway Authorities […]

  • Go Green

    Go Green

    One of the most significant positive effects a family can have on the environment is to carpool or use public transportation instead of driving alone. Public transportation is the responsible environmental choice. Taking public transportation far exceeds the combined benefits of using energy-efficient light bulbs, adjusting thermostats, weather-proofing one’s home, and replacing a refrigerator. Increased […]

  • Westshore Area Circulator Study (2012)

    Westshore Area Circulator Study (2012)

    The Westshore Circulator Study was conducted by the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in partnership with the Westshore Alliance and the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART). The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of transit circulator service (local loop bus service) within the Greater Westshore Area. At the geographic center […]

  • Regional Connections

    Regional Connections

    Megaregions As metropolitan regions continued to expand throughout the second half of the 20th century their boundaries began to blur, creating a new scale of geography now known as the megaregion. Interlocking economic systems, shared natural resources and ecosystems, and common transportation systems link these population centers together. As continued population growth and low density […]

  • Walk Bike & Livable Roadways Plans & Studies

    Walk Bike & Livable Roadways Plans & Studies

    Read and learn about Hillsborough County and its jurisdictions’ efforts to provide a safe high quality pedestrian and bicycle network providing mobility to everyone. [display-posts category=”pedestrian, bike-2,livable-roadways,streets-livable-roadways”  tax_operator=”OR”  posts_per_page=”-1″ include_date=”” include_excerpt=”true”   order=”ASC” orderby=”name”  image_size=”thumbnail” wrapper=”div”]

  • Current Projects & Drafts

    Current Projects & Drafts

    This area contains transportation planning projects that are currently under development or are in draft status. [display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”current-draft-transportation” tax_operator=”AND” posts_per_page=”-1″ include_date=”” include_excerpt=”true” order=”ASC” orderby=”menu_order” image_size=”thumbnail” wrapper=”div”]

  • Rail & Bus

    Rail & Bus

    The 2035 Plan includes a light rail system integrated with a bus system that is more frequent and goes more places than it does today.  Both would be supported by a penny sales tax that must be approved by Hillsborough County voters. [one_half_first] Affordable Rail  Current Bus Service  Affordable Bus Service Rail Travel Times Rail […]

  • Growth & Jobs

    More JOBS. 47,500 An efficient transportation system is an economic engine and a job creator. Not only does transit attract new employers to our region – building it also creates jobs! According to the American Public Transportation Association, for every billion dollars invested in public transportation, 47,500 jobs are supported, including construction, operations and maintenance, […]

  • Freight & Goods Movement

    In cooperation with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the MPO’s in the region participate in the Tampa Bay Regional Goods Movement Study.  The purpose of the study is to identify major freight transfer centers and the roadway facilities that serve them.  The information in the study will help the MPO’s identify major freight corridors […]

  • West Central Florida MPO Chairs Coordinating Committee

    Regional Transportation Planning Florida’s transportation challenge lies in finding innovative ways to get people where they want to go – easily, efficiently, economically, and with concern for our region’s fragile and unique environment. For many Florida communities, this task has become particularly challenging because of the dramatic growth in population and tourism during the last […]

  • Get Involved in Transportation

    We Value Your Opinion Can we share rides to work in a carpool or vanpool?  Can we live close enough to our jobs to walk or ride a bike to work?  Do we invest in rail transit?  We need your help in deciding  what’s important. We want to hear from you.  Learn more from this […]

  • MPO – July 2011 – Cancelled