Category: Metropolitan Planning Organization

  • Brandon Corridor & Mixed Use Centers Pilot Project (2017)

    Brandon Corridor & Mixed Use Centers Pilot Project (2017)

    The Brandon Corridors and Mixed-Use Centers Study was a joint pilot project of the Hillsborough MPO and the Planning Commission.

  • Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan

    TDSP_October version

  • Dale Mabry Pedestrian Overpass Feasibility Study (2017)

    Dale Mabry Pedestrian Overpass Feasibility Study (2017)

    The Hillsborough County MPO is conducting a feasibility study of various alternatives that will connect the existing section of the I-275 trail which currently terminates at Church Avenue along the north side of I-275, across Dale Mabry Highway, to a proposed trail alignment along the south side of I-275 starting at Himes Avenue. The approximate study […]

  • Walk a block in our shoes.

    Walk a block in our shoes.

    Want to make a difference? This is your opportunity to join the Vision Zero Coalition for our second of four workshops to develop the #VisionZero813 Action Plan. Walk side by side with county commissioners, city councilmen, law enforcement officials, business leaders, and executive directors as we take a first-hand look at traffic hazards and find […]

  • Northwest Hillsborough Transit Study (2018)

    Northwest Hillsborough Transit Study (2018)

    The Northwest Hillsborough Transit study was a joint study by the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART).  The study  evaluated the current and planned transit in the area west of the Veteran’s Expressway, and developed a plan for transit improvements.  The study looked at different types of transit […]

  • Executive Director message

    Executive Director message

    Twenty years ago, planners floated the idea of a greenway trail connecting Tampa’s central neighborhoods with parks along the Hillsborough River. The proposal was shelved as a result of neighborhood opposition. The concern I remember hearing was a fear of outsiders cutting through residential areas, on two wheels. Today, the story could not be more […]

  • Green ARTery Neighborhoods Community Gardens (2015)

    Green ARTery Neighborhoods Community Gardens (2015)

    The Green ARTery Neighborhoods Community Garden Initiative’s purpose is to increase community gardens in Tampa and Hillsborough County and to start the planning for the Annual Garden walk on Earth Day 2016. This report includes work done in finding new garden sites, interviewing communities to gauge residential interest, identifying intermediate and mentor gardens, and starting […]

  • Public Hearing Notice FDOT Five-Year Tentative Work Progam

    Public Hearing Notice FDOT Five-Year Tentative Work Progam

    Online, October 26 through October 30, 2015 In person, October 28th from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at MPO Office, 18th floor, County Center (601 E. Kennedy Blvd, Tampa) The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District Seven, invites you to provide your comments to FDOT by participating in the Five-Year Tentative Work Program Public Hearing. […]

  • Career & Consultant Opportunities

    Career & Consultant Opportunities

    The Planning Commission, Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Hillsborough River Board are served by a consolidated planning agency staff. We are dedicated to providing the highest caliber service to the public and our boards, and we strive to find qualified and motivated job candidates. We make professional development and career advancement for planners and affiliated professions […]

  • Get ready to Coast around Tampa

    Get ready to Coast around Tampa

    What makes a city a great place to live? The City of Tampa believes the launch of its first bike sharing program will contribute to the Tampa’s livability. Mayor Bob Buckhorn announced Coast Bike Share at a recent press conference, “Coast Bike Share is part of the equation in continuing to attract new jobs and […]

  • MPO approves Brandon Boulevard study

    MPO approves Brandon Boulevard study

     The MPO board approved the  Brandon Blvd/SR 60 study on  January 7, 2014, including a  number of recommendations to  make this busy highway safer and  easier to navigate by drivers,  bicyclists and people on foot. The study analyzed traffic and  crash data to identify trends and potential areas of concern. Issues identified included: Potential increase […]

  • Florida focuses on walk bike safety

    Florida focuses on walk bike safety

    At a joint meeting in December, the BPAC and LRC (Bicycle/Pedestrian and Livable Roadways Committees) heard a presentation by FDOT District One Secretary Billy Hattaway, who serves as FDOT’s Statewide Champion for Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety. Mr. Hattaway gave an update on statewide initiatives to improve biking and walking safety. In November 2011, FDOT Secretary Ananth Prasad […]

  • MPO Membership Roster

    MPO Membership Roster

    [csv id=mpomembership src= unsortable=1,2,3,4,5]

  • Federal Government Certifies MPO (2013)

    Federal Government Certifies MPO (2013)

    Every four years, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit  Administration (FTA) certify that the Hillsborough County MPO has satisfied all planning requirements as defined in Federal laws and regulation. This is based on an in-depth review, site visit and feedback from the public.  The certification also gives FHWA and FTA the opportunity to […]

  • 2035 LRTP Highway Shapefiles

    Committed Highway Projects by 2014 Cost Affordable Highway Projects by 2025 (Interim horizon) Cost Affordable Highway Projects by 2035 Needed Highway Projects by 2035 Cost Affordable Transit Projects by 2035 Needed Transit Projects by 2035 Cost Affordable Sidewalk Projects by 2035 (built with roadway projects) Cost Affordable Sidewalk Projects by 2035 (standalone sidewalk projects) Cost […]