Category: Committees

  • MPO 2021 Wall Calendar – with highlights of last year!

    MPO 2021 Wall Calendar – with highlights of last year!

    Get a first look at our 2021 Calendar in the link below! Free copies are available in our office. View the calendar

  • Tampa School Transportation Safety Study

    Tampa School Transportation Safety Study

    Project Overview Photo of Tampa Mayor Jane Castor’s inaugural “Crosswalk to Classrooms” unveiled at a press conference to announce the City’s commitment to Vision Zero during the 2019 National Safe Routes to Schools Conference. Crosswalk is located at Rampello Magnet School.  Scope of the Study Tampa School Transportation Safety Study outlines strategies for a school […]

  • ARCHIVED TPO Board and Committee Agendas

    This page does not get updated, it is for archival purposes only If you are looking for current or upcoming TPO meetings and events please visit In these archived agenda packages, hotlinks to attached documents may no longer function.  Please contact TPO staff ( if you need access to documents which used to be […]

  • MPO Membership Roster

    MPO Membership Roster

    [csv id=mpomembership src= unsortable=1,2,3,4,5]

  • TPO Advisory Committee Membership Form

    The information from this questionnaire will be used by the Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) in considering appointments to advisory boards.  TPO calendar and agendas. Applications are public record and will be kept on file and may be released to the public upon request. Please Note : The following information will be used to satisfy Equal Opportunity […]

  • Policy Committee

    Policy Committee

    [button url=”” style=”teal” size=”small” type=”” target=”_self”]Calendar & Agendas[/button][button url=”” style=”teal” size=”small” type=”” target=”_self”]Current board & committee members[/button] The MPO Policy Committee meets monthly, usually on the third Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m.  All meetings are open to the public and begin an opportunity for public comment. It consists of at least five members […]

  • Bus Rapid Transit Presentation to Livable Roadways Committee (2012)

    Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is an enhanced bus system that operates on bus lanes or other transitways in order to combine the flexibility of buses with the efficiency of rail. BRT operates at faster speeds, provides greater service reliability and increased customer convenience. BRT uses a combination of advanced technologies, infrastructure and operational investments that […]

  • MPO – July 2011 – Cancelled

  • Citizens Advisory Committee

    Citizens Advisory Committee

    [button url=”” style=”teal” size=”small” type=”” target=”_self”]View Agendas[/button][button url=”” style=”teal” size=”small” type=”” target=”_self”]View current members[/button][button url=”” style=”teal” size=”small” type=”” target=”_self”]Join the CAC[/button][button url=”” style=”teal” size=”small” type=”” target=”_self”]Send comments to the CAC[/button] The TPO’s CAC provides information and expresses overall community values and needs in the transportation planning process.  It evaluates and proposes solutions from a citizen’s […]

  • MPO September 2012 – Agenda Packet

    MPO September 2012 Full Agenda Packet  

  • MPO October 2012 – Agenda Packet

    MPO October 2012 Full Agenda Packet  

  • MPO July 2012 – Agenda Packet

    MPO July 2012 Full Agenda Packet  

  • MPO June 2012 – Agenda Packet

    MPO June 2012 Full Agenda Packet  

  • MPO May 2012 – Agenda Packet

    MPO May 2012 Full Agenda Packet  

  • MPO April 2012 – Agenda Packet

    MPO April 2012 Full Agenda Packet