Bicycle Safety Action Plan (2011)


Winner of the 2012 Transportation Planning Excellence Award!

The Tampa Bay Area is recognized as one of the most hazardous places in the country to bicycle with a total of 12 fatalities in just one year. Hillsborough County’s fatality rate is over twice the national average. In light of these facts and at the urging of county officials, bicycle enthusiasts, transportation advocates, community leaders, private organizations and citizens, the Hillsborough Countywide Bicycle Safety Action Plan was developed to address the high number of bicycle crashes and bicyclist fatalities.

Analyzing the causes of crashes helped stakeholders from multiple agencies strategize potential solutions based on infrastructure, land use, education, enforcement, and monitoring activities. Fifteen short and long term action items are currently being pursued that have a direct impact on bicycle safety in Hillsborough County.

Most bicycle planning efforts focus only on the construction of new bicycle facilities over a long period of time, creating a better community in the future. The Hillsborough Countywide Bicycle Safety Action Plan focus is on SAFETY, with the expectation that results would occur within a five year timeframe.

Bicycle Safety Action Plan



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