APA Florida Sun Coast Section + USF MURP = MAPS

APA Florida MAPSThe Sun Coast Section of the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association and the USF MURP – Master’s of Urban and Regional Planning – program launched a new Mentor a Planning Student (MAPS) program. MAPS is an official program of APA Florida.

The University of South Florida joins Florida State University as the second university in Florida to offer this unique program. Locally, the program is open to students in the USF MURP program, as well as emerging planners in the Sun Coast area. This mentoring program helps create voluntary relationships between mentors and mentees for one academic year. This experience also provides a special opportunity to shadow a professional planner, network with area professionals, and cultivate job skills. Gaining contacts through this mentorship program will also help students and emerging planners develop their own professional career networks, while reinforcing a strong relationship between university programs, APA Florida, sections, and planning professionals. The Planning Commission is proud to participate in this mentoring program.


