Tampa Comprehensive Plan 2045 Logo

A vision for Tampa’s future is crystallizing

Tampa Comprehensive Plan 2045 LogoJuly 2022 – A vision for the City of Tampa’s future is crystallizing in the latest update to the Tampa Comprehensive Plan. Thanks to your participation, the joint Planning Commission and City of Tampa project team has collected over 700 surveys with more than 1500 comments about the most important issues and planning ideas the community has in mind for the city’s future.

This feedback builds on the work of previous outreach on projects including the Tampa MOVES Mobility Plan, the Plan Hillsborough Nondiscrimination & Equity Plan, and the It’s TIME Tampa Bay and Hillsborough Longe Range Transportation Plans, among others. Combined with the responses from our most recent survey, the 2045 Tampa Comprehensive Plan’s Vision has a large base of community feedback to draw from.

The vision encompasses broad themes reflecting what we heard from the community about the future of Tampa. The detailed feedback from the comments will also be used by staff as they move to update the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the plan.

Vision statement:

Tampa is an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient city, where the natural environment, historic character, and a diversity of cultures enables a vibrant setting for all.

In 2045…

  • All residents have equitable access to a high quality of life and opportunity, regardless of background.
  • The natural environment, water resources, clean air, and open space are valued and protected.
  • Land and public resources are used efficiently, and infrastructure is reliable and connected.
  • The community and its neighborhoods have unique identities that reflect the rich history and cultural diversity of Tampa.
  • Neighborhoods are complete with a variety of housing types, services, and jobs within a walkable environment.
  • Housing options are available for all income levels and households.
  • Transportation is safe, accessible, connected, and convenient.
  • Resiliency enables the community to recover from and mitigate the effects of climate change, extreme weather events, and other hazards.
  • A diverse economy provides opportunities for everyone.

The Vision Statement and its accompanying themes were presented to the Planning Commission on July 11.  Tampa’s City Council will consider adoption by resolution on July 28. The adopted Vision will form the framework for the individual Elements as each is updated in a phased approach.

Coming this fall, the first topic section scheduled is One Water: Comprehensive Planning for Water Resources. This section is planned to evaluate a holistic approach to water resources planning, combining policies that were previously spread across multiple areas of the Plan to form its own section. This includes policies that deal with potable water, wastewater, stormwater, and the natural environment.

Sign up for updates to keep track of the progress to the Plan’s update and for ongoing opportunities to be engaged in the process. You can contact us about the plan, review presentation materials, rewatch the virtual public meeting, and more at: LiveGrowThrive2045.com

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