Tampa Comprehensive Plan 2045 Logo

Tampa City Council to vote on One Water adoption and hear FLU Assessment draft recommendations

Tampa Comprehensive Plan 2045 LogoFebruary 2023 – On February 23, two significant components of the Tampa Comprehensive Plan update will be presented to Tampa City Council.

Following the Vision, the overall update kicked off last year with One Water: Comprehensive Planning for Water Resources (The One Water Chapter). The Chapter updates and combines the previously separate Stormwater Management, Potable Water, and Wastewater Sections of the Comprehensive Plan to reflect the interrelated nature of water. Following significant public and stakeholder engagement, the One Water Chapter was transmitted by Tampa City Council in December and will be considered for adoption by Tampa City Council at their February 23 hearing at 5:30 pm.

The public’s input was instrumental to the finalization of the policy language which provides a framework for City initiatives such as green infrastructure and coordinated water resources planning. The update also includes themes of environmental protection, equitable access, and resiliency to the effects of climate change. The One Water Goals, Objectives, and Policies are the first to be set for adoption for the 2045 update.

To inform the forthcoming update to the Future Land Use (FLU) Section, the Planning Commission secured a consultant, Pritchett Steinbeck Group (PSG), to provide an analysis of the FLU categories and associated policy provisions that provide a bonus, incentive, or targeted outcomes above the FLU category. The FLU Assessment will identify how these tools have been successfully working toward the goals of the Tampa Comprehensive Plan and which categories and policies need to be improved.

After getting input from the public and creating a Summary of Findings and Preliminary Recommendations, PSG will share their draft recommendations with Tampa City Council at their workshop on February 23 at 9 am for their review and feedback. The recommendations of the assessment are advisory and will be taken under consideration when the FLU Section is updated.

The workshop will be streamed live and can be viewed here. The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format, and members of the public may speak in person or virtually. Virtual public comment requires advance sign-up on the City’s website. Or you can submit feedback to us through the online form on the project page. Following the workshop, there will be multiple public and stakeholder engagement opportunities for the FLU Section. This engagement will occur before any changes to the Tampa Comprehensive Plan are formally proposed.

Following on the heels of One Water and the Future Land Use Assessment, Mobility will be the next Section brought forward for updates. Visit LiveGrowThrive2045.com to stay up-to-date and to sign up for email updates so you don’t miss a thing!

About the Tampa Comprehensive Plan:

The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission, in coordination with the City Planning Department, is overseeing a multi-phased, multi-year plan update that will lead to in-depth revisions to the Tampa Comprehensive Plan through the 2045 horizon year. The Plan is the overarching policy for all city planning initiatives that guide the community’s development, infrastructure, and preservation decisions.

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