2022 PDA jury

Meet our 2022 Planning & Design Awards jury

2022 PDA jurySeptember 2022 – A big thank you to our judges! Their experience, insight, and thoughtful consideration made for truly interesting deliberations as they selected amazing projects that contribute significantly to the quality of life in our community. Our sincere gratitude goes to Allara Mills Gutcher, AICP, Jennifer Codo-Salisbury, AICP, and Dennis Smith, AICP.

Allara Mills Gutcher, AICP is the Managing Principal of The Planning Collaborative, a sole proprietorship established in 2011. She is a seasoned policy planner and has worked with both local governments and private developers on numerous development entitlements to include comprehensive plan amendments and zoning changes. Allara also works with land use attorneys across the region as an expert witness. Her clients range from smaller grass-roots community efforts to Fortune 200 companies.  A member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, Allara has been involved in the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association, as the Vice President of Certification Maintenance among other roles over the past fifteen years. In January 2023, she will become President-Elect.  Allara has over 20 years’ experience in the land use planning profession with a Masters of Regional and City Planning from the University of Oklahoma. Her undergraduate studies were completed at the Florida State University.

Jennifer Codo-Salisbury, AICP is the Deputy Director of the Central Florida Regional Planning Council. She leads a dynamic and multi-functional planning team which administers programs including Brownfields, Hazard Mitigation, Geographical Information Systems, the Avon Park Air Force Range Sentinel Landscape, military installation compatibility, local land use planning, and state and federal grant administration and coordination. Jennifer has more than 20 years of experience in urban planning, has a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of South Florida and is a certified planner. Prior to joining the Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Jennifer managed several large-scale planning projects in both the public and private sectors.

Dennis J. Smith, AICP is Planner-in-Residence in FSU’s Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Director of the Mark and Marianne Barnebey Planning and Development Lab. An FSU Graduate (MSP 1994), he has over 30 years of public and private sector experience in community development, risk mitigation, and transportation planning. His applied research has examined expanding multimodal mobility options at both the design and policy level and developing protocol for better understanding factors that influence transportation system risk, resilience, and the needs of socially vulnerable populations, especially with respect to natural hazards. Furthering his desire to improve social equity, graduate students under his direction recently completed broadband feasibility studies and community engagement tools for two rural Florida counties. He is currently leading an interdisciplinary effort, in partnership with community members to build economic resilience in historic African American “North Star” legacy communities in rural North Florida. The first phase of this project received the 2021 Presidents Award from the Florida Redevelopment Association.

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