video thumbnail of tampa comp plan presentation

Tampa Comprehensive Plan update kicks off with Future Land Use Assessment and One Water Chapter

September 2022 – The Tampa Comprehensive Plan provides an overarching framework for all planning initiatives in the city and guides the community’s development, infrastructure, and preservation decisions. Community input is an integral part of updating the Plan. Join us to share your feedback!

The Future Land Use Assessment will be the next Section to come forward for updates. The Planning Commission procured a consultant, PSG, to evaluate and provide recommendations on changes to the categories and policy provisions in the Future Land Use Section. The consultant will hold a Virtual Public Meeting on Wednesday, September 21 at 6 pm. The purpose of the assessment is to learn how the Future Land Use Categories and associated policies have been successfully working toward the goals of the Tampa Comprehensive Plan, as well as the Vision for the 2045 update, and identify which categories and policies need to be improved. Learn more and register for the public meeting on the project page.

The One Water Chapter addresses how we can look holistically at stormwater, wastewater, and potable water. The Chapter kicked off with a Virtual Public Meeting on August 31 to hear input from the community on the draft language. A second public meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, October 4 at noon. Register for the virtual meeting, read the draft language, and learn more about the One Water Chapter on the project page.

On August 21, Planning Commission and City of Tampa staff gave a presentation on the overall Comprehensive Plan update at Café con Tampa, a community forum to discuss important issues facing Tampa Bay. Rewatch the presentation to learn more about the update and visit to view the update schedule and upcoming public meetings. Get involved and help establish the big picture for how Tampa will grow over the next 20 years!

In addition, the City of Tampa will be holding a series of town halls this fall to get input on the Comprehensive Plan and other city planning initiatives. Visit to get involved.

View the rest of this month's Connections to Tomorrow articles


