hand writing the world plan

New projects in “The Works!”

hand writing the world planJuly 2022 – The TPO kicked off a new fiscal year July 1, with a list of planning projects for the next two years in its new Unified Planning Work Program. Updated biennially, the Work Program outlines major planning tasks for the agency from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024.

This latest update supports all three Cities’, the County’s, and HART’s requests for planning assistance, and lays out the building blocks for the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan which is due in 2024. Upcoming studies include:

  • Goods Movement Needs & County Truck Route Plan
  • Electric Vehicle Facility Needs Study
  • Vision Zero safety studies of some county roads in Tampa city limits
  • Equity: Transportation Needs
  • Needs assessments for Major Projects for Economic Growth, State of Good Repair & Resilience, and Real Choices when not driving
  • Priorities for the State Rail Plan

The program also includes studies that are contingent on new funding becoming available such as the I-275 Conversion Study. A full list of projects can be viewed here: https://archive.planhillsborough.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/UPWP-FY23-FY-24-Adopted-with-revision-05-18-22-1.pdf

For more information, please contact Amber Simmons at 813-547-3379 or simmonsa@plancom.org

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