Thank you, Chair Amon, for 10 years of service!

ChairMPO_CAC_award_1Joe Amon was appointed by the Tampa Port Authority to serve on the MPO’s Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) in 2001. A geo-technical engineer with Ardaman & Associates, Joe was elected Chair of the CAC in February 2003. Supported by his wife, Debby Amon, in his CAC duties, he has been re-elected every year until this year, when he chose not to run again.

Chairing well over 100 meetings in the last decade, you may have seen him giving CAC reports to the MPO on HTV. Though he will no longer be chairing, he still will be continuing to contribute still serving on the Citizen Advisory Committee.

Joe Amon honored by the MPO CAC for ten years of dedicated service as Chair.



