Map shows areas (in blue) of fastest 2010-2020 population growth within City of Plant City. Darker blue areas are places with largest growth. 60% of the growth happened in areas south of Alexander Street.

The numbers behind the growth: Plant City 2010 – 2020

November 2021 – This is the second in a series of articles looking at population growth in Hillsborough County from 2010-2020. Back in August, the Census Bureau released its first batch of updated population data, and new releases will continue through 2022. Since this data is at the Census Block level, we can look at population dynamics in small areas within Plant City as well as the jurisdiction as a whole. In Plant City, population grew 15% to 39,846 residents from 2010 – 2020.

As seen in Figure 1, below, we look at the four ZIP Codes that are wholly or partially inside Plant City (i.e., 33563 (Urban Core), 33565 (North of I-4), 33566 (Alexander Street to Trapnell Road), and 33567 (Trapnell Road South)).  From 2010-2020, population growth ranged from 5% in 33563 to 14% in 33566.  Sixty percent of the new residents of Plant City moved to ZIP Codes 33566 and 33567 (areas south of Alexander Street). Average population growth by ZIP Code was 10%.

Figure 1.  2010-2020 Growth Areas Within Plant City (Darker blue areas grew fastest).

Map shows areas (in blue) of fastest 2010-2020 population growth within City of Plant City. Darker blue areas are places with largest growth. 60% of the growth happened in areas south of Alexander Street.

Figure 2.  2010-2020 Population Growth Plant City’s ZIP Codes

Chart shows 2010 population (in orange) and 2010-2020 new residents (in yellow) by ZIP Code. There are four ZIP Codes in Plant City. The fastest growing ZIP Codes were 33567 and 33566. Growth ranged from 5% (in ZIP Code 33565) to 14% (in ZIP Code 33566).

In terms of additional population growth through 2045, Plant City is expected to be fastest growing jurisdiction in Hillsborough County.  Its population is expected to grow 72% (from 39,846 to 68,679 people) by 2045[i]. At the ZIP Code level, 33565 is expected to be the fastest growing Zip Code in the entire county. As seen in Figure 3, by 2045, its population is expected to grow from 16,694 to 58,684 people (252% or 3.5 times). The population in the other three ZIP Codes are expected to grow over 80% by 2045.

Figure 3.  2020-2045 Expected Population Growth in Plant City’s ZIP Codes

Chart shows additional population growth from 2020 through 2045. ZIP Code 33565 is expected to nearly quadruple its population through 2045.

To conclude, most of the population growth in Plant City during 2010-2020 happened in areas south of Alexander Street. The four ZIP Codes inside the city grew 7% to 14%. Plant City is slated to be the fastest growing jurisdiction by 2045 (72%). ZIP Code 33565 (areas north of I-4) is the ZIP Code with the largest potential for growth through 2045. Its population will nearly quadruple to 58,694 people.

For more information on housing units, population, and employment trends, please visit: Do you have an economic or demographic data need for a more specific area within Hillsborough County? Please feel free to contact us.

[i] Population Estimates and Projections.  Demographic and Economic Data.  Plan Hillsborough.

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