Vision Zero crosswalk design

Mayor Castor celebrates Crosswalks to Classrooms at MacFarlane Elementary

Vision Zero crosswalk designOctober 2021 — Tampa Mayor Jane Castor joined students and staff from MacFarlane Park Elementary School on Oct. 6 to celebrate the city’s  newest Crosswalks to Classrooms street mural and commemorate National Walk to School Day.

During the event Mayor Castor greeted students and discussed the importance of the Crosswalks to Classrooms project and its contribution to school zone safety awareness. She also touched on her commitment to Vision Zero.

“A critical piece of our Vision Zero roadway safety effort is to ensure that our kids have safe places to walk, bike, and scoot in their neighborhoods and to and from school,” Mayor Castor said. “Street murals like this one on MacDill bring attention to drivers that students may be crossing the road, so they should be alert and slow down.”

Bike Walk Tampa sponsored the mural, and Sidewalk Stompers organized the National Walk to School Day event.

Mayor Castor launched the Crosswalks to Classrooms program in 2020 in an effort to reach the City’s Vision Zero goal of zero pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities. For more information about the Crosswalks to Classrooms program, visit

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