University Area Community Plan

University Community Plan

Creation of the adopted University Area Community Plan first adopted in 2001 involved area residents, businesses, civic organizations, and government and law enforcement agencies in identifying goals and strategies for revitalization of the areas surrounding the University of South Florida. The Plan encompasses approximately three square miles and is located in north central Hillsborough County, immediately adjacent to the City of Tampa and Temple Terrace city limits.  It consists of four sub-areas surrounding the University to the east, west and north.

Funding for the 2001 plan was provided through a Department of Justice Weed and Seed grant and County funds. The University of South Florida, Florida Center for Community Design and Research, provided professional consultant services for development of the plan.  The Florida Center, with assistance from the Planning and Growth Management Department, and in consultation with the Weed and Seed Steering Committee’s Infrastructure Development Committee, conducted an analysis of the study area’s conditions, performed field surveys and research, and held workshops with area residents. Together, they recommended design regulations and infrastructure improvements necessary for the creation of a stable, secure community.  The plan is designed to guide future public investment in infrastructure and public spaces as well as guide private investment so that each new act of construction will contribute to the emerging neighborhood fabric.

In February 2001, the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan was amended to adopt the University Area Community Plan. Following this, Hillsborough County received a grant from the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, to complete an addendum to the Master Plan qualifying it for the Urban Infill program. The addendum was completed in January 2002 and was incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan in late 2002.

Hillsborough County and consultants conducted a study to determine possible land use and zoning changes along 22nd Street to encourage redevelopment as envisioned by the Master Plan. The study resulting in a recommendation for a mixed-use zoning overlay for the area was completed in August 2002. The recommended overlay district incorporates design standards contained in the Master Plan, affordable mixed-use development and encourages pedestrian friendly design.

In December 2002, Hillsborough County submitted an application for designation of a portion of the University Area as State Enterprise Zone. The designation was approved and provides tax incentives for business located in the designated area.

In June of 2004, the Board of County Commissioners approved Land Development Code (LDC) regulations applicable to the 22nd Street area.  The regulations, as recommended by the 22nd Street Master Plan, provide development design standards, allow for mixed-use residential and non-residential development and promote a pedestrian friendly environment.  In order to implement the regulations, the Board of County Commissioners, on October 12, 2004, rezoned the properties along 22nd Street north of 131st Avenue to Bearss Avenue and those properties north of 131st Avenue to Fletcher Avenue.

The process to update the University Area Community Plan began in 2011 and became effective  October of 2013.

The process included Public and Stakeholder Engagement in which the Planning Commission staff:
• conducted 27 Stakeholder interviews with key businesses, organizations, and agencies,
• held three Open Houses and four Advisory Committee meetings working with residents, civic leaders, business owners, and organizational representatives in the development of the plan update, and
• conducted both a website survey and a one-on-one citizen issue and major corridor business survey

The plan update incorporates changes to the adopted plan vision, goals, and strategies based on a review of the existing plan of what has been completed since adoption, what has not been completed,  and on changes in existing conditions.
• Changes to the adopted University Area Community Plan are generally limited to text changes reflecting strategies that have been completed through implementation in the County’s Land Development Code since the Plan’s adoption, text changes supporting recommendations of recent transportation and housing and redevelopment studies completed for this area, and the addition of two new recommendations.
• The first new recommendation is to revise the Land Development Code in the University Community Area-Main Street and Neighborhood Office (NHO) zoning districts related to stormwater design along with common architectural themes; and in both the Special-University Community (SPIUC) 1, 2, 3 and 4; and the Main Street and NHO zoning districts related to fencing and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) features for new development.
• The second new recommendation recognizes 131st Avenue as an economically important east-west corridor.
• Changes to the boundary of the University Area Community made to reflect annexations of 3 small areas east of 56th Street by the City of Temple Terrace since the original adoption of the plan in 2001.

The updated University Area Community now consists of the vision, goals and strategies of the University Area Community Plan as it seeks to maintain, preserve and encourage the redevelopment of the suburban characteristics, atmosphere, and quality of life; continuing to improve the viability of residential types, pedestrian and public transit, and economic development within the area to provide a stable live and work environment for residents in order to provide a strong, diversified economic base for the community. It also encourages new and existing infrastructure in order to keep the University Area Community an attractive, functional, and safe place for visitors and local residents.




