Transportation public engagement is alive and well!

April 2018 – At the April board meeting, the MPO reviewed its public engagement activities for the two years of 2016 and 2017. During this time, the MPO staff:
Held or participated in 225 meetings and events, nearly a quarter of which were in Environmental Justice areas. Cumulative attendance at the meetings was greater than 24,000!

  • Also held 172 public meetings of MPO committees and board, at which 440 comments were received.
  • Received 450 emails and letters, had around 3,000 Facebook interactions, and increased Twitter followers to more than 6,000.
  • Made changes based on public feedback and published 36 plans, studies, and reports.
  • Created a Spanish-language page on the website, where major documents are posted in Spanish.
  • Upgraded the online mapping tool that shows the location of transportation projects to be funded in the next five years, making it easier to get information.

Recommendations for further improvement include: making more use of technology to receive feedback, creating more live-stream opportunities at public meetings, and many other ideas. You can also check out a recent update for communities protected under the Executive Order for Environmental Justice.

Read the full Measures of Effectiveness Report

View the rest of this month's Connections to Tomorrow articles


