April is water conservation month

April 2018 – April is historically one of the driest months in Florida. With little rainfall, surface water supplies are not as readily replenished and demand is high as people are watering their lawns more. The Hillsborough River is a source of water supply. Tampa withdraws and treats water from the river and then distributes this water to city residents for potable use. If we all do our part, small savings by many people can mean big water conservation for Tampa Bay and the Hillsborough River itself.

Tips to conserve inside the home include:

  • Turn off the water when brushing teeth or shaving — save 4 gallons per minute
  • Only wash full loads of laundry — save 43 gallons per load
  • Fix leaks in toilets, faucets and showerheads — save 5 to 200 gallons per day
  • Install aerators on faucets — save up to 30 gallons per day

For outside the home:

  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean off driveways or sidewalks — save 9 gallons per minute
  • Put a shutoff nozzle on your garden hose — save 6.5 gallons per minute
  • Install a rain sensor for your sprinkler system — save up to 700 gallons per week
  • Only water your lawn when it needs it — save up to 2,100 gallons per every week that is skipped

Another water-conserving program that the District promotes is Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM. This program uses nine principles to encourage homeowners to conserve water and reduce water pollution when working on their yards. Many of the principles help decrease water use such as watering efficiently, using mulch appropriately and putting the right plant in the right place.

Sources cited: SWFWMD

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