Vision Zero – Please join us for Workshop #2!

Vision Zero Cover GraphicCommunity leaders will be gathering for the second of four Vision Zero workshops on January 31, 2017 from 9am – 11am at the Town & Country Regional Library (7606 Paula Drive). Part of the workshop includes a walking audit of Hillsborough Avenue and Hanley Road. Attendees will make observations of traveler behavior, road design, and if customer access and safety are taken into account at the nearby destinations. To gain more insight into local issues, students and seniors from the nearby middle school and senior center have been invited. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office staff will be on hand to help guide the tour with speed radar guns to aid in the discussions on addressing speeding.

By the end of the year, a Vision Zero Action Plan will outline steps to move Hillsborough County toward zero traffic deaths. For success, each and every one of us must be vigilant about traffic safety. If you are interested in participating, consider which of the four action tracks you can help with… not sure? Come to the meeting anyway, and then decide!

[list type=”arrow”][li]Paint Saves Lives – low-cost engineering strategies[/li][li]One Message, Many Voices – public education strategies[/li][li]Consistent and Fair – community-oriented law enforcement[/li][li]The Future will not be like the Past – design standards[/li][/list]

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