East Hillsborough Ave Concept

Temple Terrace plans for density, intensity, and complete streets

Temple Terrace Mobility Plan MapOver the past two years, the Planning Commission and the City of Temple Terrace have listened carefully to citizens, property owners, and elected officials all in an effort to form an exciting vision of the future of Temple Terrace. The vision guides the City’s Long Range Comprehensive Plan and includes: preserving urban and suburban housing choices, emphasizing more mixed-use urban style development to major corridors and activity centers, and safer streets that promote alternative modes of transportation. These corridors will help form places for major activity centers, and the opportunity to design complete streets will make them safer for all travelers, giving more access by more visitors and residents to the businesses and the beauty that make up Temple Terrace.
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Activity Centers are the intersections of major multi-modal corridors on the City’s Vision Map. The update begins to incentivize redevelopment along multi-modal corridors and within major activity centers as well as promote safer streets and alternative forms of transportation. Proposals for these areas promote redevelopment of non-residential properties into mixed-use developments along multi-modal corridors.

Complete Streets are focused on so new development encourages walking, bicycling, and public transportation use, and makes these transportation options safe and convenient. A key component supports the orientation of buildings toward pedestrian and transit infrastructure rather than toward automobile infrastructure.

Multimodal District. Temple Terrace was the first municipality in Florida to establish a multimodal transportation district citywide. This year, the MPO provided the technical support to update the district plan, identifying and estimating the costs of needed improvements to walk, bike, and transit systems. The multimodal district ties together the City’s transportation plan with its growth strategy.

Review the draft plan. The updated Temple Terrace Comprehensive Plan has been reduced from 700 pages to 300 pages. Entering the public hearing phase on its path to adoption expected in early 2016, the plan will go to a Planning Commission Public Hearing on August 24 and a Temple Terrace City Council Public Hearing on October 20. Comments and feedback can also be provided to Tony LaColla, AICP, 813/273-3774 x350.

For information on the Temple Terrace Multimodal District, please contact Gena Torres, 813/273-3774 x357.