Trails and paddling input needed for the Florida Greenways and Trails Plan

FGT System PlanThe Florida Greenways and Trails System (FGTS) Plan establishes the vision for implementing a connected statewide system of greenways and trails for recreation, conservation, alternative transportation, healthy lifestyles, a vibrant economy, and a high quality of life. The original FGTS Plan was completed in 1998 and adopted by the Florida Legislature in 1999, laying the groundwork for many programs, projects and initiatives that exist today.  The FGTS Plan and the visioning maps (Opportunity Maps) which accompany the Plan were last updated in 2012.

The Opportunity Maps are being updated in 2015. To begin the update process, the Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT) is reaching out to you and others involved in trail planning to receive input on both the Land Trail Opportunity Map and the Paddling Trail Opportunity Map. Both are intended to identify opportunity corridors of statewide and regional significance.

For each 2012 opportunity corridor in your area, OGT needs to verify the corridor’s alignment and a determination as to whether the corridor should be kept, modified, or deleted. Additionally, the OGT would like to obtain information as to the status of each corridor (existing, planned, conceptual, funded, under construction, etc.).

Use the tools on the 2015 FGTS Update page, to look at interactive Opportunity Maps, view the 2012 Land Trail and Paddling map books.

Look at the Opportunity Maps interactively, and download shape files or KML files.

Please provide your updates as soon as possible, but no later than June 1, 2015. The OGT would like to incorporate your recommended changes to the Draft 2015 Opportunity Maps that will be presented at public workshops around the state in the Fall of 2015. For more information, call

Christine Small at 850.245.2939.