Rubber Meets the Road – April 2015 : Imagine 2040 receives top honors!


On March 27, the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) held its 23rd Annual Future of the Region Awards program, recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions benefiting the regional community. Imagine Hillsborough 2040 was pleased to receive two top honors – First Place in the Public Education category and the One Bay Award. Imagine 2040, a partnership between the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Planning Commission, garnered the greatest amount of public participation ever achieved by these organizations.

[list type=”arrow”][li]Check out the rest of this month’s Rubber Meets the Road articles including County Commissioner Les Miller, Chair of the Hillsborough MPO and the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC), discussing the importance of preparing our roads and transit for extreme weather events.[/li][/list]



