Sunshine Line gets glowing review

Sunshine LineThe Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) Annual Evaluation was approved by the MPO board in January based on a recommendation from its Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board (TDCB). Doing business as the Sunshine Line, Hillsborough County provides limited transportation services to those who do not have the means or ability to transport themselves, and are dependent on others to obtain access to health care, employment, education, shopping, and other life sustaining activities.

The TDCB looks at five major criteria in the annual performance evaluation: Reliability, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Availability, and Safety. In this evaluation period from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, the CTC met all performance standards. Client surveys were distributed to all of the 2,872 Sunshine Line clients, who responded with a 99% approval rating.

The TDCB would like to see more service provided for trips to employment/work, education, shopping, and recreation. “This is a very important service for the community and we need to make sure we maintain and advocate for more rides,” said TDCB Member-at-Large Becki Forsell.

For more information, contact Michele Ogilvie by email or phone at 813-273-3774 x317