Joe Amon: A decade of MPO leadership, A lifetime of giving

“The Remembrance of the good done those we have loved is the only consolation when we have lost them.”


Joe Amon honored by the MPO CAC for ten years of dedicated service as Chair.
Joe Amon honored by the MPO CAC for
ten years of dedicated service as Chair.

With heavy hearts, we say goodbye to Joe Amon, who passed away on November 27. Appointed to the MPO Citizens Advisory Committee in 2001 and serving as its Chair for a decade, Joe was an Air Force veteran dedicated to service to our nation and our community. He gave so much through so many organizations. We are grateful for his caring nature, wit and wisdom, steadfast leadership, and unwavering representation of our citizens in advising the MPO Board… A great legacy.
Joe Amon will be missed.


