Regional Transit Action Plan (2005)

slider-regional-transit-action-planThe purpose of this Action Plan is to recommend specific steps that advance the regional transit recommendations of the West Central Florida (WCF) 2025 Long Range  Transportation Plan (LRTP). While the LRTP identifies where regional transit routes and service will be provided, it does not provide guidance on how the region can develop and operate the service. Currently, there are several transit agencies in the region but none have a truly regional orientation. There are a few regional routes but ridership concerns on these routes are making it difficult for agencies to divert additional resources for further development. Therefore, there are challenges for regional transit.

This Action Plan begins with a summary of existing transit operations in the region, then presents an overview of the transit element of the WCF LRTP. Section three presents the gaps between existing services and what is envisioned by the LRTP and explores the various dimensions of the gaps. The final section presents options for addressing the gaps and recommends which options make the most sense given existing conditions and political realities.
