Imagine 2040 Working Group says: Our community needs clear Vision!

Several rounds of questions were posed to the Imagine 2040 Working Group at its first visioning workshop held on February 12. Eager participants used hand-held electronic voting devices  to express themselves.

The group spoke loudly when asked:

“Does this community have a clear vision for the future?”

56% voted “No” with only 16% voting “Yes.” One thing we can be sure of, is over the next year, we will be working together to clearly define our community’s vision in order to obtain the bAudience_Imagine2040est possible quality of life for our current and future citizens.

Able to view the results of each poll instantly, the group engaged in open discussions on big ideas to guide land use and transportation decisions going forward. on topics related to our region’s past and future growth. Solutions were sought when tackling our greatest challenges, like:

  1. identifying our most critical challenges
  2. effective, collaborative leadership
  3. prioritizing and funding for needed transportation improvements
  4. maximizing the potential for land available for development and redevelopment
  5. achieving long term economic prosperity
  6. creating and retaining well-paying jobs
  7. addressing the needs of an aging population
  8. meeting the quality of life desires of the younger generation
  9. water supply, environmental concerns and disaster relief

Given the eight choices above, participants were asked:

“What are the greatest challenges facing the county and cities as we continue to grow?”

Top responses:

  1. Transportation – 34%
  2. Financial/economic sustainability – 24%
  3. Leadership – 16%
  4. Economics – 14%

poll tabulationA whopping 96% of the working group felt the demand for urban-style living (multifamily or attached homes) would be increasing in the future.

Investing in transportation was the top choice to make redevelopment more successful, garnering nearly a quarter of the participants’ votes, followed closely by public-private partnerships at 20%.

The rising cost of energy/oil/gas was a major uncertainty we need to prepare for with 53% of the voters in agreement.

To view the entire polling presentation and results summary from the Imagine 2040 Group visioning workshop #1, please visit:

Imagine 2040 Working Group Visioning Workshop #1Data collected from dozens of interviews with technical experts in the region set the stage for the Imagine 2040 Working Group. The group is made up of a wide variety of community volunteers and stakeholders interested in defining potential scenarios of what our region could look like in the year 2040 based on decisions made today. From sixth graders to grandparents and persons with disabilities, participants from the business, neighborhood, environmental, education, and development communities rolled up their sleeves to work side-by-side with public agencies and elected officials.BerkelyPrep_studentnparent

Berkeley Prep student and mom discussing the future of our community.A special thank you to the students, parents, and faculty from Berkeley Prep’s Future City Club for squeezing in this first workshop right before an important trip to Washington, D.C.! Joining them, starting at our next workshop, will be middle school students from the Rampello Downtown Partnership School. “Our students are interwoven into the fabric of this community,” said Principal Liz Uppercue. “We’re excited about our student leaders having the hands-on opportunity to plan for Hillsborough County’s future.”

What’s next?

Imagine 2040 Working Group

Visioning Workshop #2

Tuesday, April 16

4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

1002 E Palm Avenue, Tampa

To receive updates and event invitations, please click the email below to join the Imagine 2040 Working Group email list: 



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