8 fascinating facts about bicycling and walking in the United States

2014 Benchmarking ReportThe Alliance for Biking & Walking has produced a benchmarking report on walking and bicycling in all 50 states, 52 of the most populous cities, and 17 midsized cities.  Here is their peek at the eight most interesting trends:

[list type=”info”][li]We’re seeing small but steady increases in the number of people biking and walking to work[/li] [li]There are lower bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities where there are more people biking and walking[/li] [li]More people tend to bike or walk to work when a city has string biking and walking advocacy[/li] [li]People are healthier in states where more people bike and walk[/li] [li]A large percentage of commuters bike and walk to work in Alaska, Oregon, Montana, New York and Vermont[/li] [li]Biking and walking fatality rates have been decreasing for decades–but are seeing a recent uptick[/li] [li]Few federal dollars go towards bicycling and walking, compared to trips taken and fatality rates[/li] [li]More and more cities are setting goals to increase biking and walking and improve safety[/li] [/list]

More information and the full benchmarking report


